Christian Sauce Law Firm

Christian Sauce Law Firm

Christian Sauce is a Law Firm in New Orleans, USA. I made a bilingual responsive corporate website in English and Spanish. The website shows the services the firm provides, showcases Christian Sauce’s trajectory and background, and lists all of the firm’s...
Hogar La Ponderosa

Hogar La Ponderosa

 Hogar La Ponderosa is a home for the elderly with Alzheimer’s located in Caracas, Venezuela. I made a responsive corporate website that shows the services they offer, as well as a blog that the client could update with news about the organization and health...
Pekas Babies

Pekas Babies

Pekas Babies is a baby clothing and accessories store in Santiago, Chile. The project has consisted of designing and developing an e-commerce web page and customizing it to adapt it to the country and the needs of the client. I also worked on the company’s...